ESL classes online – 5 top tips to make the most of your lessons

ESL Classes Online- What You Need to Know

Are you enrolled in ESL classes online and eager to make the most out of your learning experience? We’re here to help! Online learning provides a flexible and convenient way to improve your English skills, but it’s essential to approach your lessons with the right mindset and strategies. In this blog post, we’ll share our top five tips to help you maximize the benefits of your online ESL classes and accelerate your language learning journey. 

ESL students find out the top 5 tips to make the most of their online lessons.

Set Clear Goals

Before you start your ESL Online Classes, take some time to set clear and specific goals. Ask yourself why you want to improve your English skills and what you hope to achieve through these lessons.

Are you aiming to enhance your conversational abilities, prepare for an English proficiency exam, or boost your career prospects? By having well-defined goals, you can focus your efforts and tailor your learning experience to meet your specific objectives. 

As an online ESL teacher, one of the initial questions I pose to my students is, “What are your language learning goals and needs?” From my experience, I have observed that students who can provide a clear response to this question are considerably more likely to accomplish their objectives. Don’t rush this part- it is well worth taking your time. We promise!

Actively Engage in the Virtual Classroom

Active engagement is key to making the most of your online ESL lessons. Be present and attentive during class sessions. Participate actively by asking questions, offering insights, and contributing to class discussions-don’t be a passive learner! A woman is thinking about how to actively engage in her virtual ESL classroom.

Take advantage of interactive features like chat functions, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms to collaborate with your peers or teacher. By actively engaging in the virtual classroom, you’ll enhance your understanding, practice your language skills, and build confidence in using English. 

Utilize Supplementary Resources

While your online ESL lessons will provide you with comprehensive materials, don’t hesitate to explore additional resources to supplement your learning.

Online dictionaries, grammar websites, language-learning apps, and podcasts can offer valuable support outside of the virtual classroom. These resources can provide extra practice, reinforce concepts, and expose you to different contexts and accents. Be proactive in seeking out supplementary resources that align with your learning style and interests.

As a teacher, I make it a point to recommend my top 10 supplementary language learning tools to students in our very first lesson. It’s important to remember that maximizing your ESL classes online also involves optimizing your time offline. Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for tips and advice on just how to do that. They are there to help you every step of the way! With their guidance, you can unlock the full potential of your language learning journey and achieve your goals so much more efficiently.Students are told to practice regularly and consistently to get results!

Practice Regularly and Consistently

This is a big one! Consistent practice is crucial for language acquisition. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to practice your English skills. Create a study routine that works for you, and make English a part of your daily life. Make it a priority!

Engage in activities such as reading English books or articles, and watching movies or TV shows in English. Additionally, try listening to podcasts, and practicing speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners. Regular and consistent practice will reinforce what you learn in your online ESL classes and accelerate your progress. 

Similar to any endeavor in life, achieving results requires consistent effort. I frequently emphasize to my students the value of taking a slow and steady approach (like the tortoise) rather than rushing and experiencing burnout (like the hare). Whether your goal is to improve fitness, acquire a new skill, or learn a new language, maintaining a consistent pace with dedication is absolutely crucial.

Seek Feedback and Review

Don’t be afraid to seek feedback and review your progress regularly. Take advantage of any assessment or evaluation opportunities provided by your online ESL program or teacher. Students that seek feedback and review their progress regularly see the best results.

Empower yourself as a learner by actively seeking feedback from instructors or peers on your written assignments, speaking exercises, and pronunciation. Taking initiative in soliciting feedback will greatly enhance your progress.

Reviewing your mistakes and areas for improvement will help you identify patterns and focus on specific aspects of the language that need more attention. Reflecting on feedback and incorporating it into your practice will lead to continuous growth and improvement. Ask your teacher for concrete feedback and an action plan for taking the next step.


In conclusion, ESL classes online offer immense opportunities for language learning, and by following these five tips, you can make the most of your lessons. Set clear goals, actively engage in the virtual classroom, utilize supplementary resources, practice regularly and consistently, and seek feedback and review. Remember that language learning is a journey, and by embracing these strategies, you’ll enhance your English skills, gain confidence, and achieve your desired level of proficiency. Above all, enjoy the process and celebrate every milestone along the way! Do you have any other tips to add to the list? Let us know below!

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Further Reading

The top 10 ESL podcasts you need to listen to right now!

What are prepositions? Demystifying their role and importance

How to finally break free from your language learning plateau!

How to become fluent in English without spending a dime!

Five must-have English grammar books for language learners

What are the best apps for learning English?

21 Interactive websites to learn English at any level

6 Ways advanced English speakers can improve their fluency



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