Back to school: Top 10 engaging activities for the middle/high school classroom

Back to School Activities: Engaging Ideas for Middle and High School Classrooms

As summer comes to a close, the back-to-school season marks an exciting time for both teachers and students. It’s an opportunity to set the tone for the rest of the academic year and create a positive and engaging learning environment.

ESL/ELA teachers using the top ten engaging back-to-school activities in their classroom.

Let’s face it- it can also be a stressful time of the year (for students and teachers alike)! To help you kickstart the school year on a high note and to make your life a little easier, we’ve compiled a list of our top 10 ideas for back-to-school activities suitable for middle and high school classrooms.            

1. Icebreaker Games

Icebreaker activities are a great way to break down barriers and foster a sense of community in the classroom. Consider fun games like “Two Truths and a Lie,” where students take turns sharing three statements about themselves (two true, one false), and others guess which statement is the lie. It’s a lighthearted way for students to get to know each other and the teacher- an oldie, but goodie!

2. All About Me Posters

Encourage creativity and self-expression by having students create “All About Me” posters. Provide them with art supplies, markers, and magazines to cut out pictures and words that represent their interests, goals, and aspirations.

Display these posters around the classroom to celebrate individuality and build a welcoming atmosphere. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll learn about one another, as well as how much fun your students will have! 

3. Classroom Scavenger Hunt

Get students acquainted with their new learning environment by organizing a classroom scavenger hunt. Create a list of items or locations within the classroom that students need to find or identify.

ESL teachers using scavenger hunts to familiarize students with the classroom environment and promote teamwork and communication.

This activity not only helps students familiarize themselves with the layout and resources of the classroom but also promotes teamwork and communication. It’s especially effective for younger students, easing first-day nerves and fostering a sense of excitement and curiosity about their new space.

4. Goal Setting and Vision Boards

Guide your students to set academic and personal goals for the school year. Have them create vision boards using pictures and words that symbolize their aspirations. This exercise not only encourages goal setting but also promotes visualization and motivation throughout the year. (We love using this for our own personal lives as well!)

5. The Great Book Pass

For language arts or literature classes, organize “The Great Book Pass.” Arrange desks in a circle and distribute an assortment of books (fiction and non-fiction) throughout the desks. Set a timer and have students spend a few minutes skimming through each book, noting any that catch their interest.

This activity can spark excitement about reading and introduce students to a variety of genres. Moreover, it serves as an excellent ice-breaker, providing insight into your students’ individual interests and preferences.  As an ELA/ESL teacher, I just love this one!

6. Collaborative Puzzle  

Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a portion of a puzzle. The twist is that no group has all the pieces needed to complete their puzzle. To finish it, they must collaborate with other groups, exchanging pieces and working together to assemble the entire puzzle.

This activity not only fosters communication and teamwork but also reinforces the idea that cooperation is essential to achieving a shared goal. It’s a powerful way to set a positive, collaborative tone for the school year, encouraging students to rely on each other from day one.

Students using collaborative puzzles to start the school year.

7. Back to School Questions

Encourage students to interview one another using prepared questions about their summer experiences, favorite hobbies, and goals for the school year. Afterwards, each student can introduce their partner to the class, sharing the highlights of the interview. It’s an engaging way to build interpersonal skills and improve public speaking.

If you’re crunched for time and want a pack of engaging activities to run with, take a look at our no-prep conversation starters and activity package to get you through the whole first week of school. We use this every single year and are never disappointed in the results! 

8. Classroom Contract

Work together as a class to establish a set of guidelines and expectations for behavior and participation throughout the year. Consequently, students will feel a sense of ownership over the rules, and it reinforces a positive classroom culture where everyone respects one another. This is one of the most creative and effective methods we’ve used to introduce class rules- we promise you’ll thank us later!

9. Time Capsule Letters

Encourage students to engage in a profound and introspective activity that involves composing personal letters to their future selves, providing an avenue for them to express their present thoughts, emotions, and aspirations.

Once completed, these letters will be sealed in a time capsule until the end of the year. This activity fosters reflection, allowing students to see their personal growth, and is a favorite among both students and teachers!

10. Student Interest Survey

Distribute a student interest survey to learn about your students’ passions and learning preferences. This information helps you tailor lessons and activities to better meet students’ individual needs, making the classroom experience more enjoyable and relevant for everyone.

It also shows your students that you are taking an interest in their learning and that you value their unique perspectives, fostering a sense of connection and mutual respect from the very start of the academic journey.

Teachers simplifying their life with a back to school package.

In conclusion, the beginning of the school year presents an excellent opportunity to engage students, build a positive classroom culture, and set the tone for a successful academic journey.

By incorporating these top 10 back-to-school activities, you’ll not only create a supportive learning environment but also foster a sense of excitement and curiosity that will carry students through the rest of the year.

Let’s make this school year memorable and impactful for both teachers and students alike! To achieve this, it’s essential to continually adapt and refine your strategies based on the evolving needs and dynamics of your classroom. Regularly seek feedback from students, encourage open communication, and be willing to make adjustments as necessary.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to start strong but to maintain a positive, engaging atmosphere all year. By staying flexible and committed, educators can ensure the excitement and motivation from the beginning continues to thrive, leading to a truly enriching experience for everyone involved.


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Further Reading

Why you should develop a growth mindset for language learning

Essential ESL resources to enhance classroom discussions

Mastering English: 5 Essential study habits for ESL students

What kind of online English courses are best for me?

Social media slang: Boost your online communication skills with these must-know terms

How to train your brain to think in English

5 Exciting ESL teaching materials to take your classroom to the next level


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